P/2008 O2 (McNaught) and Mainbelt Asteroid (410928) Maidbronn


Two new objects on the side of the comet: MAID01 and MAID02

P/2008 O2 (McNaught) � by Bernhard Haeusler, Germany

Animation � 2009-09-28 by Bernhard Haeusler, Maidbronn, Germany                      

24 x 5 min. exposure, 2009-09-28 UT 01:52 to 03:46, 12" SCT  f-6.532 + CCD ST10XME
19.04 mag, coma: 12", tail: 46" in PA 239�

MAID01 (K09SH2G) is a recovery:  2009 SG172 = 2003 UD373 = 2006 AE103              see: MPC 2009-T01  search: K09SH2G
MAID02 (K09SO2T) is a recovery:  2009 ST242 = 2006 BN60 (Detection * = B82)      
  see: MPC 2009-T55  search: K09SO2T
see: MPC 2009-U26  search: K09SO2T

MPC observation: computed with Astrometrica

OBS Bernhard Haeusler
TEL 0.30-m Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD


MAID01 C2009 09 28.07653 00 56 00.90 +16 36 46.5 19.0 R B82
MAID01 C2009 09 28.09095 00 56 00.28 +16 36 42.1 19.4 R B82
MAID01 C2009 09 28.10523 00 55 59.67 +16 36 37.3 19.4 R B82
MAID01 C2009 09 28.11953 00 55 58.98 +16 36 32.6 19.9 R B82

MAID02 C2009 09 28.07653 00 56 10.80 +16 35 02.5 19.7 R B82
MAID02 C2009 09 28.09095 00 56 10.19 +16 35 02.5 20.1 R B82
MAID02 C2009 09 28.11953 00 56 08.60 +16 35 00.6 19.6 R B82

PK08O020 C2009 09 28.07653 00 55 41.79 +16 32 40.0 19.1 N B82
PK08O020 C2009 09 28.11953 00 55 40.19 +16 32 35.9 18.9 N B82
PK08O020 C2009 09 28.13382 00 55 39.54 +16 32 32.8 18.8 N B82


http://astrosurf.com/cometas-obs/index_i.htm Visual and CCD Observations and images from the "Cometas Obs" mailing list, using the Focas II format

es.groups.yahoo.com/group/Cometas_Obs The Spanish comet observation group in Yahoo



Copyright: The author of NEO Planner and all sites of this web is Bernhard Haeusler, Dettelbach, Germany, all rights reserved