Amor and NEO 2018 NB
object was recovered
July,1 2018 from
Mauna Loa, US/Hawaii and posted to the
NEO Confirmation Page
planet center's orbital elements and Ephemeris, MPEC
2018-N09 : 2018 NB, JPL Small body
database, Hohmann
Transfer 2018-07-03
2018 NB � by Bernhard Haeusler, 2018-07-19
10 x
20sec. exposure, 2018-07-19 UT 01:18, 12" SCT
f-5.66 + CCD ST10XME,
Video of 2018 NB � by Bernhard Haeusler, 2018-07-19 Animation of 100 20sec. exposures, 01:12UT - 01:54UT, 42 minutes in reality ~ 1.5 sec. in animation NEODyS Observations and Residuals of K87 Dettelbach Vineyard Observatory MPC observation: computed with Astrometrica (Herbert Raab, Austria)
COD K87 K18N00B KC2018 07 19.05329 22 12 57.63 -08 22 56.2 15.2 G K87
Copyright: The author of NEO Planner and all sites of this web is Bernhard Haeusler, Dettelbach, Germany, all rights reserved |