meeting some discoverers of comets
On my trip to Arizona and New Mexico in 2004 I met some very interesting people and places. Here are some impressions of the most exciting astronomy journey of my life.
At a
meeting of the
German comet group in 2006, I
met the German discoverers F.W. Gerber (October,21 2014) and Sebastian Hönig.
To meet personally the world famous comet discoverer
David Levy (left) was one of
the highlights of my astronomical life.
Everybody who is interested in Astronomy knows the comet
discoverer Dr. Alan Hale (left). He
co-discovered together with but independently from Thomas
Bopp The Kitt Peak National Observatory with its over 20 telescopes is the largest telescope area of the world.
Spacewatch 1.8 Meter telescope.
Spacewatch team around the
Director Dr. Robert S. McMillan discovered there
some comets.
In the Institute of Meteorites of the University of New Mexico I had the opportunity to explore a piece of a Mars meteorite under the microscope.
To hold an original Mars meteorite almost in my own hands was a very big event of the journey
The Very Large Array has nothing to do with comets, sorry. But to visit a place of the movie "Contact" ... ... and to follow the
footprints of
Jodie Foster
was really exciting: that was the most exceptionel part of my journey.
Last but not least the control room of the Very Large Array. This is the original room they used in the movie "Contact".
Copyright: The author of NEO Planner and all sites of this web is Bernhard Haeusler, Dettelbach, Germany, all rights reserved |