Bernhard's comets and asteroids    IAU codes: B82 Maidbronn (retired) and K87 Dettelbach Vineyard Observatory

� Copyright: Photo montage performed by Bernhard H�usler, Germany

(C) Copyright: Photo montage performed by Bernhard Häusler, Germany
Credit of the comet image of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko:

Don't waste time planning the night session and focus on the evaluation...    

[Neo Planner] [periodical comets] [non periodical comets] [asteriods] [meteorids] [satellites] [equipment] [discoverers of comets] [nature] [sweet home] [sky quality SQM and weather] [allsky camera]

A warm welcome to all friends of comets and minor planets!  

You proudly call an IAU Observatory Code your own and have perhaps long since lost
the motivation for the fascinating observation and tracking of NEO and comets?
Then this page has the solution for your enormous motivation boost
for active amateur work and the use of your equipment for research.


Over 11,000 individual measurements of more than 1100 Near Earth Objects on K87 Dettelbach Vineyard Observatory since 2017.

The following image shows the Execute Search Window triggered by the "S" function in the Revise Planning Window.

Illustration of the path of an object in NEO Planner: Leave nothing to chance anymore, but check the paths of each object before the session and adjust the recording times if necessary.

NEO Planner is for free, code-protected and works for all IAU stations worldwide.   

Currently registered stations (52): 
104, 215, 221, 227, 637, 958, B50, B72, C23, C95, D28, E89, G04, G15, G19, J22, J69, K19, K35, K55, K63,   
K74, K83, K87, K97, L04, L40, L63, L65, L81, L90, M18, M19, M26, M29, M44, M45, M49, M58, M61, Q20,  
U52, U93, U94, V42, W24, W42, W50, X06, X09, X93, Y88, Z28

(Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Croatia, Germany, France, Italy, Namibia, New Zealand, Romania, Spain,
United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, U.S.A.)

Amateur or professional observers are welcome to use NEO Planner.  Current version: V5.3.2 (October,15 2024)   

NEO Planner is able to calculate the exposure times, the required number of exposures and the positions of currently observable comets, NEO and NEOCP objects
on the basis of MPC, JPL Horizons and JPL Scout data and and bring them in a time sequence for each location and for any equipment.
From version 5 on, airmass and lunar sky brightness are also taken into account.

In addition, NEO Planner automatically monitors the NEOCP and provides the user with important current changes, both visually and, if desired, acoustically.
NEO Planner can work with both Astrometrica and Tycho
and provides scripts for automatic night session control for both TheSky X (Orchestrate) and N.I.N.A (XML + JSON).

If desired, the planning and ephemeris can be uploaded to a website to be followed from any location and browser.
An internal sniping tool enables timer controlled hard copies of the screen and the viewing of the night sessions via the website.

The Integration of NEO Planner into the ASCOM based Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy program N.I.N.A. by Stefan Berg about XML and JSON formats
enables the fully automatic observation of the planning proposal, even with German mounts.
There is also a .txt file release of the planning for the
ACP Observatory Control Software for your own use.
In addition
.txt and .csv files are output to support your own control.
You can plan the observing night for your own observatory or any remote telescope.

NEO Planner supports up to five cameras and devices per observatory. The Execute Search Window supports searching for new objects with a mosaic display of the star background.
Any deep sky object can also be displayed and selected in this window.
The calculated positions of a mosaic are sent to N.I.N.A. delivered via a sophisticated XML and JSON interface, enabling an automatic search for near-Earth objects.

The Execute Search Window can also be used via the "S" function in the Revise Window, which shows the path of the selected planning object together with the star background.
In addition, the asteroid classes Mars Crosser, Jupiter Trojan, Centaur, TransNeptunian Object and Hyperbolic Asteroid can be integrated into the Execute Planning process.

And many features more...

Have a look here for historical informations of K87 and other observers --> Hohmann's MPEC'able (Tracking News for Humans) and NEODyS 

IAU Minor Planet Center Status    MPEC Watch Global Statistics - All time

Both the following template and the scripts for Orchestrate,  XML- and JSON for N.I.N.A., .TXT for ACP and .CSV for common usage are generated after the planning procedure..

The preparation time for a night session usually takes about 15 - 30 minutes. High Moon phases are requiring a little more time.

Examples of interfaces: Script for Orchestrate, Templates XML and JSON for N.I.N.A., Script for ACP.CSV for own usage         

Program from September, 15 2023 for K87 Dettelbach Vineyard Observatory:


Copyright: The data comes from official access to web services from MPC, JPL, NASA and ESA, whose origins are the tireless measurements of dozens of professional and amateur observatories around the world

The observatories marked in green and red are users of NEO Planner.        

Copyright: The data comes from official access to web services from MPC, JPL, NASA and ESA, whose origins are the tireless measurements of dozens of professional and amateur observatories around the world 

Customizable graphical platform of NEO and comet discoveries since 2020:

Presented here are the NEO discoveries of our user Christophe Demeautis from the K19 PASTIS observatory, Banon in France from 2021 to 2023.
The green North - South axis represents the sidereal time at the time of discovery. The East - West lines represent the declination.

Congratulations to Christophe Demeautis from K19 PASTIS Observatory, Banon, France on discovering
  2021 YQ, 2022 BU1 2022 HE3, 2022 NF1, 2022 SW3 2022 SE6 2022 TV2 2022 TW2, 2023 CN3, 2023 HC, 2023 QE2,
2023 RE5, 2023 QH5, 2023 TF4 and 2023 XY4 on his station !!! 
He also discovered the NEOs 2022 SK9 and 2022 SX7 and some more together with the team from 033 Karl Schwarzschild Observatory, Tautenburg.  

Some special events:   March, 8 2024 - UT 21:47:35

During the automatic observation session, my Allsky camera was able to capture this fireball
whose light was reflected in the dew cap of the telescope.
More information of the event from the IMO International Meteor Organization here.

2024-03-08 (C) by Bernhard Haeusler, Dettelbach, Germany                  

Camera: ZWO ASI178MC Lens: 2.8-12mm, 1:1.4. Recording time: 03/08/2024 21:47:35 UT, 15 seconds exposure time.

Another meteor event on August, 22 2023 - second night half

In the early morning hours a bright shooting star of the Perseids crossed constellation Pisces
and ended its brief light show with a small explosion.

2023-08-22 (C) by Bernhard Haeusler, Dettelbach, Germany                  

My Allsky camera caught a nice Perseid straggler in the Pisces. Track length approx. 20° in PA 228.8.
Camera: ZWO ASI178MC Lens: 2.8-12mm, 1:1.4. Recording time: 08/22/2023 01:41:25 UT, 15 seconds exposure time.
The image is an unprocessed raw JPEG where I manually removed the hot pixels.  Bright Jupiter on the left.

Rarely have I caught such a magnificent example.                                                          

Moon, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn came together this morning with the beautiful comet C/2020 F3 NEOWISE.

A moment to pause and think about the beauty and size of our universe. This morning made my face smile.

I left my telescope with its automatic scanning of the sky and drove a few kilometers to the highest elevation nearby.
There one of the best moments of nighttime observations awaited me.

Morning light comet C/2020 F3 NEOWISE  in Auriga, Lynx on the left. Menkalinan in Auriga is the brightest star top right.

� 2020-07-12 by Bernhard Haeusler, Dettelbach, Germany

2020-07-12 by Bernhard Haeusler, Dettelbach, Germany                                                             double size 1.9MB                  original size 10MB

4sec. exposure, 2020-07-12 UT01:38, local time 03:38, 70mm f/3.2, Canon EOS 5D Mark II and EF70-200mm f/2.8L ISII USM
mounted on a tripod, ISO1000, SQM 19.6 mag. Outside temperature: 7°C, elevation: 297m, Processing: Adobe Lightroom.
No stiffeners because of Corona virus lockdown and best distant view.

The wind turbines with their warning lights on the horizon are approx. 27.5 km (17 miles) away.

C/2020 F3 NEOWISE  in Auriga

� 2020-07-12 by Bernhard Haeusler, Dettelbach, Germany

2020-07-12 by Bernhard Haeusler, Dettelbach, Germany                                                                                                       larger image click here

4sec. exposure, 2020-07-12 UT01:20, local time 03:20, 170mm f/3.2, Canon EOS 5D Mark II and EF70-200mm f/2.8L ISII USM mounted on a tripod,
ISO1250, SQM 20.1 mag. Outside temperature: 7°C, elevation: 297m, Processing: Adobe Lightroom.

Asteroid of the day:  1999 RM45 from March, 1 2021  20:46UT   MPC   JPL orbit

asteroid 1999 RM45  45MB

animation of 96 images with 2.9 seconds exposure time each, speed: 65 arcsec/min in P.A. 279.8, V~14.0          detail
Telescope: LX600 12" f-8, camera: QHY600L with
SONY Full Frame BSI CMOS Sensor IMX455  and Binning 4 x 4              

Comet C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) is probably starting a desintegration process.

C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) by Bernhard H�usler, K87

There are two dots westward the central condensation. The comet tail is looking more and more like a cigar.

Here you find a light curve of the comet on CometasObs showing a decrease of the central magnitude since March, 28 2020 


In comparison an image of comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) during its desintegration process...                                            and one week before

2020 FR3 is an Apollo type asteroid and classified as a PHA.

The small body passed a weak galaxy cluster in the Western edge region of constellation LEO close to the bounder of CANCER

NEO and Amor 2018 NB on July,19 2018

Amor NEO 2018 NB � by Bernhard Haeusler, Germany    

10 x 20sec. exposure, 2018-07-19 UT 01:18, 12" SCT  f-5.66 + CCD ST10XME,              
15.0 mag, H 19.5, ~426m

Atira NEO 2017 TF2 � by Bernhard H�usler, K87 Dettelbach    

Animation of 100 20sec. exposures, 01:12UT - 01:54UT, 42 minutes in reality ~ 1.5 sec. in animation

last observed comets:

C/2016 R2 (PANSTARRS) � by Bernhard Haeusler, Germany    C/2016 R2 (PANSTARRS) � by Bernhard Haeusler, Germany

C/2016 R2 (PANSTARRS)  by Bernhard Haeusler, 2018-02-16 B/W   

composed 31 2min. exposures, 2018-02-16 UT18:42, 0.30-m f/1646.2mm ACF-SCT +  CCD
14.73mag, coma: 6', tail: 16' in PA91

C/2016 A1 (PANSTARRS) � by Bernhard Haeusler, Germany 

C/2016 A1 (PANSTARRS)  by Bernhard Haeusler, 2018-02-06 B/W

composed 33 120sec. exposures, 2018-02-06 UT22:32, 0.30-m f/2240.2mm SCT +  CCD
16.23mag, coma: 13", tail: 3' in PA161  

C/2016 A1 (PANSTARRS) � by Bernhard Haeusler, Germany

C/2016 A1 (PANSTARRS)  by Bernhard Haeusler, 2018-02-06 B/W

animated 64 2min.exp, 2018-02-06  UT21:23 - 23:41; asteroid on the left side: 34286, 18.1 mag

C/2016 N4 (MASTER) � by Bernhard Haeusler, Germany

C/2016 N4 (MASTER)  by Bernhard Haeusler, 2017-09-22 B/W   

composed 35 60sec. exposures, 2017-09-22 UT21:37, 0.30-m f/1873.1mm SCT +  CCD
16.29 mag, coma: 30", tail: 4'30' in PA150  

C/2015 V2 (Johnson) � by Bernhard Haeusler, Germany    

C/2015 V2 (Johnson)  by Bernhard Haeusler, 2017-05-20 B/W                                               

composed 10 30sec. exposures, 2017-05-20 UT22:12, 0.30-m f/1873.1mm SCT +  CCD, IP: DDP low pass
12.05 mag, tail: 16' in PA317  

41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak � by Bernhard Haeusler, Germany       41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak � by Bernhard Haeusler, Germany

41/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak by Bernhard Haeusler, 2017-05-01 B/W

composed 90 20sec. exposures, 2017-05-01 UT01:54, 0.30-m f/1875mm SCT +  CCD, IP: DDP Kernel low pass
13.6 mag, coma: 5', tail: 1' in PA236

Right:  Video of 70 frames of 20 seconds exp.time each, 2017-05-01 UT01:54
Original size MP4 or MP4 HTML (22,353 KB) 

45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova � by Bernhard Haeusler, Germany        45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova � by Bernhard Haeusler, Germany

45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova by Bernhard Haeusler, 2017-03-26 B/W       

composed 36 2min. exposures, 2017-03-26 UT20:10, 0.30-m f/1875mm SCT +  CCD,
17.3 mag (10" Box), coma: 1'15", tails: 8'30" in PA284, 1'15" in PA106

Right: Video of 35 frames of 2 minutes exp.time each, 2017-03-26 UT20:10 - UT21:24

Flash of the Satellite IRIDIUM 86, Mirror 2 on February,13 2018 with -2.5 mag

IRIDIUM 8662 � by Bernhard Haeusler, Germany  

IRIDIUM 86    2018-02-13 by Bernhard Haeusler, Dettelbach, Germany                            

detail of 1 15 sec. exposure, 2018-02-13 UT 17:56:32, camera: ZWO ASI 178 MC Color,  allsky lens: 2.5mm, f-1.2  170�
No Moon.


Copyright: The author of NEO Planner and all sites of this web is Bernhard Haeusler, Dettelbach, Germany, all rights reserved