NEO Planner V5.0  -  NEO Graphical Platform  Explanations

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NEO Planner Page

Customizable graphical platform of NEO and comet discoveries since 2020 to November 2024:

Update via Statistics/Monthly and then view a full year of data.

This example shows all NEO and comet discoveries since 2020 till November 2024. The objects are distributed over the entire celestial hemisphere.
NEO are shown in white, comets in red. The vertical central green line represents the sidereal time at the time of discovery.
It is thus possible to see whether the objects were discovered to the east or west of the sidereal time.
The horizontal central line separates the northern from the southern hemisphere.

You can select by year or month, or you select both all and individual observatories.

Clicking on an object displays information about the object, double-clicking also opens associated links to the MPC and JPL.


Copyright: The data comes from official access to web services from MPC, whose origins are the tireless measurements of dozens of professional and amateur observatories around the world




Copyright: The author of NEO Planner and all sites of this web is Bernhard Haeusler, Dettelbach, Germany, all rights reserved