NEO Planner V5.0  -  Object selection 2 -  Explanations

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NEO Planner Page

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Additional parameters for planning can be entered here.

In order to find faster objects more reliably with the Tycho Tracker, you can now specify a minimum number of images
starting from the selected speed s/min of the objects.


Using a mosaic can be a good way to find recently discovered objects with a short orbit and few measurements.
However, there are a few things to consider when activating this function.
NEO Planner uses the JPL Scout ephemeris to calculate the position of NEOCP objects. These are only available during astronomical darkness.
The mosaic should be limited to 2 rows and 2 columns, although the size of the mosaic can also be set to a maximum of 3 rows and 3 columns.
In contrast to a mosaic for deep sky objects, the objects move forward,
so that the NEO Planner mosaic follows the object according to its speed specified in Scout.
This special method promises a much higher success rate.

Basically, the position calculated by Scout is used as the first image in the mosaic series in planning, exactly as in normal planning.
This is followed by further planning positions of the object according to the desired mosaic size,
each of which is calculated slightly offset from the planned Scout ephemeris.
The shift is performed using the same FoV parameters as specified in the CMOS/CCD parameters for the current equipment.

The values ​​for Overlap, rows and columns are set as in Execute Search. In the field <arc up to a maximum of xxx minutes>
you enter the maximum arc length of the NEOCP objects measured so far.
When using the mosaic option, it is particularly important to specify Vmag values ​​when selecting NEOCP objects in accordance
with the realistic capabilities of the equipment. If <up to Vmag> values ​​are too high, reasonable planning results cannot be achieved.

If objects that meet the mosaic criteria are included in the planning, the planning time will naturally increase.
You should use the information in the Revise and Object Information windows to check the plausibility of the arc length and,
if suspicious, delete the mosaic position in Revise.




Copyright: The author of NEO Planner and all sites of this web is Bernhard Haeusler, Dettelbach, Germany, all rights reserved