NEO Planner V5.0  -  Execute Search  -  Explanations

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NEO Planner Page

The new Execute Search feature was developed jointly by the NEO Planner user team. Knowledge of spherical geometry was essential for displaying the star map and calculating the mosaic positions.
Many thanks to P. Christoph Gerhard OSB and Bernd Koch for their valuable tips and formulas! The decoding of the UCAC-3 binaries and the programming work was accomplished with the help of my talents.

Within the picture, click on the area that you want to be explained: (not in all browsers available)

The Execute Search function creates two files in the planning folder of NEO Planner for loading into N.I.N.A.
On the one hand an XML file for loading in the sequencer's open target set, on the other hand a JSON file for loading in the advanced sequencer.

The mosaic feature can be used for all observing purposes, including deep sky observing.



Active camera. Clicking takes you to the CCD parameters and you can select the active camera there.

Width and height of the camera field:

The size of the active camera's sensor in arcmin.

Width and height of the mosiac:

Size of the entire recording area according to the mosaic size. (Mosaic selection area)


Mosaic selection:

Overlap of the mosaic in %:

Amount of the overlap of the individual mosaic fields in percent in right ascension and declination.
The overlap is calculated correctly and the positions in the JSON and XML file are correct. The display in the starmap is still being revised.

Rows and Colunmns:

Specifies the size of the mosaic. A maximum of 10 rows and 10 columns is possible.

R.A. and Declination:

Central position of the mosaic. This also forms the center of the mosaic in the star field.

Search for Deep Sky Object:

There is an exam for the existence of the deep sky object. Any catalog designation can be entered.
The object is then centered in the middle of the mosaic and displayed with its size and orientation.


N.I.N.A. selection:

Execute start time in hours and minutes:

in local time.

Exposure time and number of images/one mosaic field:

When searching for Near Earth Objects, the key is to find objects moving faster than Main Belt asteroids or comets.
We recommend an exposure time of approx. 30 seconds and at least 36 images per series for a search with the help of the Tycho Synthetic Tracker
Also if you blink the picture series with your eyes about 30 images per mosaic field are recommended.

Experience has shown that objects up to approx. 19 mag can be flashed visually under these conditions taken with high-intensity sensors.

The sequence of shots for N.I.N.A. follows this rule:
The telescope is positioned from lower R.A. to higher R.A. First, all columns per lower R.A. positioned,
then jump to the nearest higher R.A. and processing of all columns and so on.   


Star map selection:

Vmag and Check Boxes:

The faintest Vmag brightness of stars and galaxies can be set. Objects from the S function in Revise are not affected.

With deep sky: checked -> display galaxies both from the UCAC-3 and the revised NGC/IC catalogs.
With designations: checked -> displays existing designations of deep sky objects in the NGC/IC catalog.
Without SFx: checked -> The numbers of the mosaic fields are not displayed in the SFx format.
Switch N/S: The display of the objects in the starmap are mirrored vertically.
Switch E/W: The display of the objects in the starmap are mirrored horizontally.


Star map:

Display of the star map:

After performing the Execute Search, the star map is displayed with the central search position in the middle of the single field / mosaic.
The green field borders show the dimensions of the image and the arrangement of the image series based on the sensor size.

The star map shows all Yale bright stars, Tycho and Hipparchus stars and all UCAC-3 stars up to about 17 mag.
In addition, all galaxies from the UCAC-3 catalog and the revised NGC/IC catalog are displayed if checked.

The revised NGC/IC catalog is copyrighted by Dr. Wolfgang Steinike et al.  Corresponding information on the use of this catalog can be found here.

Clicking any object displays all available information of the star, galaxy or of the selected object from the solar system below the star map.
(see the red circle in the star field).
With a double click on any object it can be centered in the middle of the starmap. This new position is also used for the interface to N.I.N.A.

When using the S-function in Revise, the calculated start position of the object is positioned in the middle of the star map
and the path length of the object according to the plan is shown with a dark Goldenrod line.

The calculation of the path in the image is not based on the recording data of the object,
but solely on the time difference between the start time of the object and the start time of the next object in the plan.

In the example above, the center position was set to a star to get a different positioning of the object on the FoV of the starmap.

Also an advantage is the visibility of the path of the object with the star background.
If the object is moving across stars, you may need to adjust the planning times to ensure a reliable measurement.


Position map:

The position map shows the R.A. and declination positions of the mosaic and their values in milliseconds.
Milliseconds: from R.A. 00h00m00s and from Declination -90 on.





Copyright: The data comes from official access to web services from MPC, whose origins are the tireless measurements of dozens of professional and amateur observatories around the world



Copyright: The author of NEO Planner and all sites of this web is Bernhard Haeusler, Dettelbach, Germany, all rights reserved