NEO Planner V5.0  -  Impressum and Privacy

[upwards] [Geo settings] [File Structure] [Object selection] [Object selection 2] [No Go Areas] [Common restrictions] [CCD Parameters] [N.I.N.A. Parameters] [ACP Parameters] [Orchestrate Parameters] [More objects] [Parking stars] [Loading] [Execute planning] [Execute search] [Revise] [Object information] [NEO Ranking] [Rejected objects] [Ephemeris details] [NEOCP Check] [Show changes] [Show Log file] [Screenshot] [Statistics] [Statistics 2023] [All observations] [NEODyS-2 Statistics] [NEO Graphical Platform] [Impressum]

NEO Planner Page


Author and designer of this web and NEO Planner:

Bernhard Häusler, Dettelbach, Germany, all rights reserved


Neo Planner is Registerware (Freeware requiring registration)

German Copyright Law

And because the legislature requires it:

I hereby consciously distance myself from any external link that I use on this web for better understanding or for educational purposes.
I expressly distance myself from any content on these links! Bernhard Häusler, Dettelbach Germany

All pages, own images and programs on this web are automatically protected by international copyright laws and do not require any special information.


Ideas and active helpers in finding the mathematical formulas for NEO Planner (in alphabetical order first name):

Bernd Koch (B72)
Christoph Gerhard (K74) - Without his mathematical knowledge, NEO Planner would never have been created.
Christophe Demeautis (K19)
Dieter Husar (221, 637, C95, L81, M49, X06)
Heiko Duin (L65)
John Rogers (U52)
Jost Jahn (C95, M58, Q20)
Jürgen Linder (B50)
Lukas Demetz (L81, U93, X06, Z28)
Peter Heinrich (M61)

Assistance in programming NEO Planner:

My special thanks goes to all the fellow members of the Visual Basic and C++ forums.
Without their disclosure of source codes and tips for programming special requirements, the development of NEO Planner became a task of the century!

VBForums - Visual Basic and VB .NET Discussions and More!
VB-Paradise 2.0 – Die große Visual-Basic- und .NET-Community
Stack Overflow - Where Developers Learn, Share, & Build Careers

I would also like to mention that without the interfaces and personal help offered by the Minor Planet Center, the Scout and Horizons System 
of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the ESA and other amateur websites, programming NEO Planner also would not have been possible.
My special thanks go to Alan Chamberlin and Davide Farnocchia at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory for their assistance in using the Scout and Horizons APIs.

Minor Planet Center
Horizons System

Bill Gray's Project Pluto
Earth's BUSY Neighborhood EBN


NEO Planner is registered. A hardware code is required for use.

The transmission of the hardware code of the personal computer to the NEO Planner server is mandatory

during the initial installation and the user agrees to this by installing the program.

In order to provide optimal support, the settings_obscode.dat and the last planning are sent

to the NEO Planner server when the program is terminated.

The user can decide for himself whether and when he allows this.

Upon activation, the user agrees to the transmission of the data.



Copyright: The author of NEO Planner and all sites of this web is Bernhard Haeusler, Dettelbach, Germany, all rights reserved