NEO Planner V5.0  -  Ephemeris details  -  Explanations

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NEO Planner Page

Within the picture, click on the area that you want to be explained: (not in all browsers available)

(C) Copyright: The data comes from official access to web services from MPC, JPL, NASA and ESA,
whose origins are the tireless measurements of dozens of professional and amateur observatories around the world

IAU Observatory Code    

A guide for getting an IAU observatory code you find here: Guide to Minor Body Astrometry (

List of observatory codes: List of observatory codes - Wikipedia

Ephemeris Website (same function as the button Ephemeris links below):

The ephemeris of objects that have been saved using the SAVE list button are collected via this link and can be called up there individually on the Internet.

Save list:

On the one hand, the entire window is saved as .jpg in the archive folder. In addition,
the content of the list display is saved both in .txt and .csv files  for further use (see File Structure settings).
Additional backup of the Ephemeris detail Window as an .HTM file, if allowed in the Privacy.


Now both the Revise and the Object Information  and the Ephemeris detail Windows can be saved as an HTM file on the NEO Planner Server
and accessed or linked for free use on the Internet via any browser.

Object type:

The object types are: Comet in Green, NEO in Blue and NEOCP objects in Red


The ephemeris are displayed by the minute for the selected hours.

Observation slot start - end:

The observation period in local time of the coming night.

The basis is the daily loading of current astronomical data of a location from, which takes place automatically
when NEO Planner is started. See also: GEO Settings.
The offset hours and minutes that were specified in the Common Restrictions settings are added or subtracted
from the determined local sunset and sunrise times.

Observations changed:

'Observation changed' in the header of the display changes the color to RED when the active NEOCP check notices changes
in the number of observations of the object.
In this case the ephemeris should be recalculated. The warning message is also displayed on the HTM page (SAVE list button).




Neo Planner calculates observation times in R.A. order of currently visible comets according to the official publication of the MPC
and additionally the most recently observed comets from CometasObs.
The reason for including the CometasObs observations lies in the sometimes considerable delay of the MPC in the publication of the last observations.

In addition, all NEOCP objects that can be observed according to the parameter settings are displayed.

In addition, visible NEOs are included that have not yet been numbered, i.e. have a provisional number.

Observation date and time in UT:

The observation time by the minute in UT.

Observation local time:

The local observation time by the minute. Ephemeris times outside the slot times are shown in red.

RA and Dec:

The indicated position in R.A. and Dec. corresponds to the shown observation time.
The ephemeris for comets and NEO come from the MPC, those for NEOCP objects from
JPL's Ephemeris Scout..


The altitude corresponds to the height of the object above the horizon at the time of the displayed observation time.
Altitudes below the settings parameter are shown in red.


The elongation of the object = Angular distance of a celestial body from the sun.




The Vmag for comets and NEO come from the MPC, those for NEOCP objects from JPL's Ephemeris Scout.

"/min and PA:

The displays for arcsec / minute (s / min) and position angle (PA) refer to the observation time and come from JPL's Ephemeris Scout.

dRA und dDec:

Display of the dRA and dDec proper motion of NEOCP objects to enable the proper movement in RA and Dec for direct tracking of the objects.


The distance between the moon and the object in degrees
relate to the observation time and come from the MPC or Ephemeris Scout from JPL.



Ephemeris links:

By pressing the E key in a line of an objects in Revise window, you get a display of ephemeris to the minute here,
which can be selected up to a period of 8 hours.
Here you can save the ephemeris with SAVE  LIST top right.
The Ephemeris list button then points to a website from which you can call up all the ephemeris of the planning from any PC.


The calculation of the ephemeris is carried out again with the basic settings.





Copyright: The author of NEO Planner and all sites of this web is Bernhard Haeusler, Dettelbach, Germany, all rights reserved